During an ambush by assassins from The Crown, Kai is accidentally teleported to the alternate dimension his agents at The Order are aware of, but have yet to explore.
Wounded, Kai quickly learns things don't work in quite the same way as in the hometown he's used to. For starters, he's a vampire who is able to walk around freely in the daylight. He can even eat food.
Then, he learns that this world is host to another version of his lover, Hunter Reeves. In this realm, Hunter is a musician on the fast track to fame, with devoted and adoring fans.
What Kai doesn't know, at least to start, is that this version of Hunter is a full-blooded demon with powers greater than and more deadly than that of his back-home love. This Hunter and his bandmates are also holding on to more secrets that could disrupt life in both realms forever.
Meanwhile, Hunter (our Hunter) is developing a deeper relationship with fellow cambion and former Crown operative, Gibson, causing Kai even more emotional stress.
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